AQCMS Reacts to the Challenge of Time —
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AQCMS Reacts to the Challenge of Time

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20.04.2020 Information Agency «Business-Inform» news

Association of Quality Consumables Manufacturers and Suppliers has reviewed the situation on the market of consumables in times of economic crisis and pandemia.

On April 17 the Association of Quality Consumables Manufacturers and Suppliers (AQCMS) held an online-conference with participation by members of the Association during which it reviewed the situation on the Russian market of office equipment and supplies in times of COVID-19 outbreak and Global economic crisis.

The Conference participants have expressed their concern with negative tendencies which can lead to significant changes in the industry. “We understand that the current situation is definitely impacting the market of new and remanufactured compatible consumables. However, before taking any decisive action we must collect the maximum possible amount of reliable information”, — noted Sergei Kuzin, the Head of Remanufacturing Industry Expert Council of AQCMS.

According to the results of the discussion the Expert Council has been given a task to perform the study of the Russian recycling market to identify urgent problems in the working process of the participants. The results of the study will be taken into account during the development of the support and promotion program for remanufactured production of confirmed quality in Russia.

