Zoltan Matyas joins Integral — printnews.biz/en
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Zoltan Matyas joins Integral

Zoltan Matyas
06.11.2019 World companies news

With the hiring of Zoltan Matyas, a new chapter will begin at Integral in terms of Marketing and International Business Development – says Integral´s CEO Jan Hageman.

Zoltan is a well-known industry professional and has been in the imaging aftermarket for 15+ years filling various C level management positions at market leading firms. His front-line sales management experience and business development skills will help Integral to strengthen its position and customer relationships in several European and overseas markets.

However, the key to Zoltan’s appointment has been his passion and expertise in Digital and Social Media Marketing.

Since he graduated with distinction on the subject in one of Barcelona’s most prestigious universities, he has been a regular speaker at industry events such as Reman Expo at Paperworld as well as The Recycling Live Conferences around Europe.

 As Integrals new Marketing Manager, Zoltan will develop and implement a fresh, new digital marketing strategy focusing on engaging the imaging aftermarket on digital platforms with value-based content and a new corporate website.

With Zoltan and his new marketing approach, Integral is looking to strengthen the brand, engage with existing customers better and onboard new prospects looking for a premium quality alternative to OEM.

“The Digital transformation and a shift of our customer’s attention from traditional media to digital platforms push us to reinvent our approach to marketing. I heard Zoltan’s presentations a few times and admired his knowledge and passion about the topic so I’m confident he is the perfect person to help us taking our brand to the next level.” – Hagemann commented.

Zoltan also commented to us the following “The profile of the customer is changing and ignoring that is not an option. I’m extremely excited about my new position as it’s a unique opportunity to perform in a 2in1 role. I will manage business development in several markets as well as develop and implement the new digital marketing strategy. This will give me a global perspective and real-time testing opportunity of the effects of my marketing actions on my day to day bizdev operations. Wish me luck!!!”

Zoltan will work from his office in Barcelona and can be contacted at: zoltan.matyas@integral-international.de or on the phone at +34 649 839 190