Become famous in Russia with «Business-Inform» while staying in China! —
107023, Moscow, Barabanyy per., 4/6, Business Center «Na Barabannom»

Become famous in Russia with «Business-Inform» while staying in China!

16.08.2017 Information Agency «Business-Inform» news

The specialists of Information agency «Business-Inform» (Russia) are going to visit RemaxWorld Expo on 12-14 October, 2017.

While on visit they are planning to attend some local manufactures to present them to the Russian customers in the special issue of the Russian magazine «Business-Inform Review» (the only Russian professional magazine about printing industry).

You can order the detailed report about your company. Only 3 original reports are available.

Supposedly the report might contain:

* Your company profile

*  Interview with the head of your company

*  Photo-report from your company’s production site

*  Your company’s advertising publication.

The total price is 2400 USD!

As a bonus we are offering an advertising e-mailing of the most important company information through 16000 e-mail addresses of Russian specialists.

Deadline for requesting a report is 8 September, 2017.

For ordering and more information, please, contact:

Danilogorskaya Yulia, managing director


Tel.: +7 9166129814
